Welcome to TISA, experiences that bring people together.
How can we help you?

  Accreditation of the Biosphere distinction

Select an option:

I want to organise a congress
or event

TISA: Organización de Congresos y eventos

A different, top-level, high-impact experience.

I am looking for translators
and interpreters

TISA: Servicio de Traductores y Guías en Bilbao, San Sebastián y Vitoria

Skilled, qualified specialists.

I need congress assistants
and guides for an event

Proactive, friendly, committed professionals.

I am looking for front-desk reception and support services

TISA: Servicio de recepcionistas para congresos y eventos

Qualified, specialist, trustworthy front-desk services.

I want to outsource the management of a congress and
meeting venue

TISA: Gestión de espacios para congresos en el País Vasco

To promote it for the hosting of public and private events.

I need to boost my business

Actions that bring people together.

Discover us.

I am curious to know more about TISA.